Browsing Tag


  • Christmas 2023

    Christmas this year was really fun with a toddler around. I got Simon a chocolate advent calendar and our neighbors gave us a coloring…

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  • Christmas 2021

    Oh gosh, I’m really playing catchup now. Posting about Christmas in March.. Since we moved a week before Christmas, this season was a little…

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  • Christmas 2018

    I can’t believe this was Dave and my third Christmas together. This year we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning at my parents’ house…

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  • Izzy!

    *Not our puppy But we did have her for a little while before surprising Dave’s mom with her as an early Christmas gift. She…

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  • Christmas 2017

    On Christmas Eve there was a magical snow storm and Dave, Daniel, and I had an “instagram girls” photo shoot.. haha. There was a…

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