The main reason we went to Sweden was to visit and learn about some of Dave’s Family’s Genealogy. Patti, Dave’s Grandma, came with us and it’s her family line that comes from Sweden. We visited a farm that belonged to their family for centuries. A man named Roland keeps up the farm and he showed us around. He didn’t know very much English and we certainly don’t know much Swedish, but somehow we were able to communicate. Patti and Stephanie had been to the farm before but they didn’t know they are actually related to Roland. He pulled out his family tree and pointed to the same names that were on their family tree! Makes more sense as to how he obtained the farm – his family lived there too!
After figuring out they are related, there was another cool moment. Roland motioned Dave and his parents into the building where he lived on the farm. Dave said on his long dining table he had what looked like a police suspect board with names, dates and strings connecting it all. But it was his family tree/who had lived on the farm. He pointed to the name that was the farthest back on Dave’s family tree but then pointed to a name one generation back. So Dave’s family now has one more name to put on their family tree!

It was a very short house.

Not too farm from the farm, we visited the site of Patti’s great-grandparents house. Or what was left of it. These rocks here were the cellar. This photo commemorates 7 generations from Patti’s great-grandparents to Patti’s great-grandson!

And we visited the church that many of their ancestors were baptized, married and buried.

Patti’s great-grandparents’ grave^

Thanks to Stephanie and Patti for showing us around! Family history is cool!