Happy Halloween! I bought this little Dragon costume for Simon a few weeks ago and it turned out to be the most fun $11 I have ever spent. He wore it Halloween weekend and we could not get enough of him. Dave and I never seem to have Halloween plans so just having Simon in a costume made it seem festive. I finally understand why people post so many pictures of their kids in their Halloween costumes. It’s soooo cute!
Halloween was on a Sunday this year, so most everyone dressed up on Saturday. We went trick or treating with my friend and her kids. I took him up to a door and all the kids were freaking out, “This is Simon’s very first house!!” Then we took him to a Sushi restaurant and he was the most adorable thing there. The day of actual Halloween we went over to my parents’ house and had to get more photos of him. Halloween just got a million times better for me.
Had to get a shot of Mabel and her cute orange bandana.
Oh yeah, and I cut my hair!!!