Easter 2023

Simon’s first Easter (that he was able to do the Easter activities)! We had a little Easter egg hunt set up for him that Sunday morning before going to church. It’s the perfect activity for an 18-month-old.

Ooo what could be inside? Dried mango perhaps? Saving the sugar consumption for the grandparents’ houses.

Our ward put on an Easter Egg hunt for the primary. And by “our ward” I mostly mean me because I’m the primary president. It was my first time participating in an Easter egg hunt as an adult. Apparently these days you don’t really hide the eggs, but scattered them in a field and the kids make a mad dash to pick up as many as they can. Simon got a few, but he was mostly distracted by opening every one he found and eating the candy right then and there.

Good job, Sime!

I’m grateful for the knowledge that our Savior has been resurrected and that we will live again! Happy Easter!

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