On our way back to London from Cardiff we stopped in Bath and Stonehenge. Bath was soooo pretty. It’s a Roman-built city and felt like a little part of Italy in the UK. We were only here for a couple of hours but I could have spent a lot more time there. It’s famous for the Roman Baths…which we couldn’t get into:(… but we did explore the Bath Abbey. I’m still dreaming about taking more of a relaxing vacation here at one of its spas.

I think the most fun parts of our whole trip for Simon was anytime he could chase the pigeons.

Stonehenge was super cool too. It is probably the oldest man-made thing I’ve seen with my own two eyes. One of the most memorable parts was when Dave challenged Cort and me to flex our glutes for the whole bus ride back from Stonehenge to the Visitors Center. Honestly don’t even know how that came up or what brought on the challenge but we all did it👍🏻

^So many moments like this 🙃

Then we made it back to London in time for our tickets to the top of the Shard. London is such a big city and with a limited time (and a toddler), it’s nice to be able to see it all (at least the big picture of it) in an hour or so. London is rad!