Our baby Elo was given a name and a blessing by Dave one beautiful Sunday morning. We had some friends and family come to our ward and to our house afterwards. I feel like I know Eloise so well and I’m eager for everyone else to get to know her personality.
We named her Eloise Rain Steiner. Eloise mostly because it was one of the few names both Dave and I liked. It’s related to Ellis – a family name – and it means healthy, strength, courage, warrior. And Rain to match my middle name.
Eloise was blessed that she will know she is loved by her earthly and heavenly parents and that she can develop naturally and grow. To serve others that they may do good. To have mental, emotional and spiritual strength to overcome her challenges. She was blessed to see truth, to have charity and to create good in the world. She was also blessed to have faith and develop a close and lasting relationship with Heavenly Father.
I can’t wait to see who this girl becomes!