Summer 2018 Recap

Summer isn’t quite over yet, so I’m not trying to get ahead of myself, but it is winding down. I have seen some leaves starting to change colors.

Dave and I have had such an incredible, long summer. Towards the end of spring, Dave stopped working his 9-5 job and started helping me out with my videography business. He recently started a new 9-5 job, but it was so much fun to have him around all the time. I really miss him during the day and I hope someday soon we can go back to having more time together. Even if we are just working the whole day, but in the same room:)

This summer consisted of:

  1. Taking advantage of how close we live to gooood food in Sugar House and walking to dinner on Friday nights
  2. Going to The Phantom of the Opera at the new Eccles Theater downtown
  3. Asking each other 20 questions while camping in Lava Hot Springs
  4. Turning 23 and going to Blue Iguana with my friends
  5. Watching fireworks on the 24th of July in the middle of busy 7th E.
  6. Going to NYC to see Dave’s Brother, Drew, graduate from Parsons
  7. Finding out there is a POOL at liberty park and swimming there with friends
  8. Hanging out with my friend Alyson’s twins Will and Griff
  9. Getting a good workflow with Dave (I storyboard, we film, he culls, I create the story, he does audio, I color correct/grade).
  10. Morning hikes
  11. Visiting baby Vincent
  12. BBQs with friends
  13. Bugs, bugs, and more bugs in our apartment:(

I’m sad that I didn’t make a summer video like I usually do. Summer seems different now that “schooools out for-eva.” I’m holding myself to making a summer video next year tho. Here’s the recap of last year. 

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