20 Questions While Camping in Lava Hot Springs

We went to my family’s campground in Lava Hot Springs a few weeks ago which is always a trip down memory lane. We used to go up there a lot more as a kid and some of my fondest memories took place there. I was telling Dave that where our car is parked (in the picture above) used to be a sweet drum set. Then I started thinking about it more and thought, “wait, that seems weird to have a drum set there.” Then I realized when my cousins and I were little we used to play with sand buckets and shovels there and I just pretended it was a drum set. Haha I wish my imagination was still that awesome.

Anyway, we decided to play a little, fun game up there just the two of us and ask each other twenty questions. Some of Dave’s answers surprised me like his favorite smell is books haha.

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